Graffiti and Contemporary Art Panel Discussion led by Nick Nelson, Director of the Springfield Art Museum will be held during the Contemporary Art Street Jam outside the ideaXfactory, 351 N. Boonville on Friday, July 5 at 8:30 p.m. during the First Friday Art Walk.
Following an introduction of different movements of street art, graffiti as vandalism, and Graffiti, the art movement of the 70’s and 80’s, Nelson and the panel will discuss topics and questions including:
- How do we define urban and public space?
- What is the relationship between private and public, and how does art define these spaces?
- What is the future of our cities, and what is the future of the artist in the city?
Featured panelists include Sarrita Hunn, Managing Editor of the Temporary Art Review, Gerard Nadeau, Assistant Professor of Architecture at Drury University, Patricia Watts, Founder and West Coast Curator of Ecoartspace, and Gary Bedell, Artist, Springfield, MO.
A session for questions and comments from the audience will follow. This event is free an open to the public.
The Contemporary Art Street Jam is a two-day indoor/outdoor event at ideaXfactory, Squidfoo Art Gallery, and the surrounding grass, parking lot and street at the corner of Boonville and Mill Street. Activities start at 5 p.m. on Friday, July 5, and at noon on Saturday, July 6. Featured events include Live Art painting and music, ceramic raku firing demonstrations by MSU and Drury University faculty, hands-on bubble art painting, build a robot sculptures, zine-making, the Comics! Art Show at Squidfoo, a super-size “Nest” construction by Art of Space, and PechaKucha X.
The ideaXfactory is a collaborative project of the City of Springfield and the Springfield Regional Arts Council that sponsors installation art, contemporary art initiatives, and idea exploration managed by the ideaXfactory committee and RuBert Studios and funded in part by a creative placemaking grant from ArtPlace America.